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Not a physical product. This is a digital program with online access

Not a physical product. This is a digital program with online access


From Dr. Brian Mowll

From Dr. Brian Mowll

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The gut is often the root of chronic inflammation which can lead to insulin resistance, weight gain, low energy, and high blood sugar. Fixing the gut is an important step to improve metabolic health.

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This Program Will Help You Find And Heal Any Gut Imbalances That Could Be Driving Up High Blood Sugar

This Program Will Help You Find And Heal Any Gut Imbalances That Could Be Driving Up High Blood Sugar

Trying to fix your blood sugar while ignoring the gut often times leads to poor long-term results, because you may be missing a major source of chronic inflammation, which can lead to insulin resistance, weight gain, and high blood sugar.

Finding and addressing gut imbalances will help calm the inflammation and bring balance back to the immune system which can boost metabolic health.

Good medicine fixes the underlying root cause. If gut imbalances are leading to inflammation, driving up blood sugar, then special diets like keto, low carb, and plant-based will never really fix the problem. A comprehensive approach to healing the gut will restore metabolic health and allow your body to maintain optimal blood sugar.

Module One: How Gut Imbalances Can Impact Metabolism and Blood Sugar Levels

Can problems in the gut really cause diabetes, or lead to insulin resistance and high blood sugar? I'll reveal the answer in this module and draw all the connections between gut and metabolic health, so that you understand how and why gut problems can be so devastating.

In this video, we'll discuss:

➡️ The connection between the gut and metabolic health

➡️ Ground-breaking researching showing how your microbiome determines your weight

➡️ The most important factors in determining and correcting gut health

➡️ Why the gut is so important for human health

Module Two: The Magnificent Microbiome

The human microbiome consists of up to 100 trillion micro-organisms which inhabit our bodies, most of them living in the gut. These organisms live symbiotically with us and provide a variety of integral benefits.

The health of our microbiome has a major impact on our metabolic health. Our microscotic friends can protect us from dangerous invaders, help us digest our food, and provide signals to our metabolic system.

In this module, we'll share more about:

➡️ What actually is the microbiome and why is it so important for health

➡️ Studies demonstrating the major impact of dysbiosis on blood sugar

➡️ How imbalances in the microbiome can lead SIBO, Candida overgrowth, parasitic and fungal infections, and much more

➡️ The best ways to improve the microbiome for better health

Module Three: Leaky Gut Syndrome and Inflammation

Leaky gut syndrome or intestinal hyper-permeability is a condition which has been demonstrated by Harvard scientists and can lead to chronic inflammation, food sensitivities, and metabolic health problems.

Identifying and improving gut permeability problems can help reduce the consequences on chronic inflammation and restore balance to the immune system.

In this module, we'll cover:

➡️ How the gut barrier system works and why it's so essential for health

➡️ What exactly is leaky gut syndrome and what causes it

➡️ How to know if you have food sensitivities which could be contributing to weight or blood sugar problems

➡️ How to heal the gut and restore normal gut barrier integrity

Module Four: Functional Testing For Gut Health

How do you know if your gut is healthy or if you have potential imbalances leading to inflammation and chronic health problems?

There are a variety of functional tests which have been developed, scientifically validated, and used by select doctors to evaluate and quantify gut problems, such as dysbiosis, SIBO, leaky gut syndrome, and food sensitivities.

In this module, we'll discuss:

➡️ The specific tests used to evaluate gut function and health

➡️ Tests for the microbiome including evaluating parasites, bacteria, fungi, and other microbes as well as proper gut function and digestion

➡️ Tests for leaky gut syndrome, food sensitivities, and immune antibodies, which could lead to autoimmune disease and poor metabolic health

➡️ Bonus information about how to get the tests that you need

Module Five: The Five-R Protocol For Gut Healing

Healing the gut is a complex and nuanced process. It's important to first identify the problem leading to gut imbalance and inflammation. Then, there is an optimal method to cleaning out the gut and restoring proper balance and function.

Without following the proper steps, it's difficult to fully heal the gut, which can lead to ongoing problems. The Five-R protocol will ensure that nothing is missed and that gut balance and barrier integrity is restored for ideal health.

In this module, we'll discuss the details about:

➡️ How to know where to start and how long it will take to heal the gut

➡️ The Five Rs, what they mean, and how to properly and sequentially use them

➡️ The most important step to eliminate dysbiosis and negative gut microbes without wiping out the healthy microbiome

➡️ Supplements to help support gut healing, the microbiome, and gut barrier integrity

Special Bonuses Included With This Program:

Bonus #1: David Perlumutter Interview

($97 value - FREE)

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Learn the connection between the gut, brain, and metabolism

Dr. Perlmutter shares strategies to improve gut health to reduce inflammation and disease risk

Includes the full video interview plus transcript for clarity

Bonus #2: Donna Gates Interview

($97 value - FREE)

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Learn all about the importance of the gut microbiome from the person who termed "gut ecology"

Strategies to improve the microbiome including probiotics and the use of fermented foods

Includes the full video interview plus transcript for clarity

Bonus #3: How To Make Bone Broth Video

($47 value - FREE)

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In this video, Mike Mutzel shows you the best and easiest way to make bone broth

Why bone broth is such a powerful food and how to use it to boost gut health

Includes the full video interview plus PDF download with more information

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You Have 30 Days To Try Out The Training.

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Not a physical product. This is a digital program with online access

Not a physical product. This is a digital program with online access


From Dr. Brian Mowll

From Dr. Brian Mowll

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The gut is often the root of chronic inflammation which can lead to insulin resistance, weight gain, low energy, and high blood sugar. Fixing the gut is an important step to improve metabolic health.

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Dr. Brian Mowll is the founder and medical director of SweetLife® Diabetes Health Centers and serves clients worldwide as The Diabetes Coach™. He is a certified diabetes care and education specialist, master licensed diabetes educator, and is certified to practice functional medicine by the Institute for Functional Medicine.

For over 20 years, Dr. Mowll has been helping people around the world to optimize their health and metabolism, control blood sugar, and reverse type 2 diabetes using a natural, personalized lifestyle approach.

In addition, he is the host of the #1 rated Mastering Blood Sugar podcast and author of the #1 international best-selling book, The ProFAST Diet, Burn Fat And Reverse Type 2 Diabetes In Just Six Weeks.

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Taming The Flame Of Inflammation

Taming The Flame Of Inflammation

This mini-program is designed to help you identify the root causes of chronic, systemic inflammation and create strategies to tame the flame, improve insulin resistance, blood sugar, and metabolism.
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