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Not a physical product. This is a digital program with online access


From Dr. Brian Mowll

From Dr. Brian Mowll

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Sugar and carbohydrate cravings can sabotage anyone who's trying to improve blood sugar, lose weight, and change their health. The Sugar Addiction Solution is designed to help break through these challenges.

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learn the most effective strategy to break through sugar and carb cravings

learn the most effective strategy to break through sugar and carb cravings

I've seen the most motivated patients and clients over the years struggle with carbohydrate and sugar cravings and addiction.

Sugar and other compounds in processed, refined carbohydrates act on the addiction centers of the brain creating a "hook" that makes it difficult to avoid these foods.

Trying to use will power to overcome these powerful cravings and addiction is doomed to fail. There are more effective and lasting strategies to overcome sugar addiction and break through intense and frustrating carb cravings.

module one: Understanding Sugar Addiction

module one: Understanding Sugar Addiction

Is sugar and carbohydrate addiction real? According to leading scientists around the world, including those at Yale University, it certainly is real. Some argue that sugar and certain types of carbohydrates may be even more addictive than many drugs.

Sugar and processed carbs act on the brain and body in several ways, creating three different types of "hooks" that over-ride satiety hormones and stimulate major cravings.

In this video, we'll discuss:

➡️ How sugar and processed carbs "hijack" brain chemistry and lead to over-eating

➡️ Studies which show that sugar may be more addictive than cocaine

➡️ How certain types of sugar clog up the liver, leading to fatty liver

➡️ The three sugar addiction "hooks" and how to know which you have

module two: the Sugar Addiction Solution

module two: the Sugar Addiction Solution

Most people understand that processed and refined sugar and carbohydrates are not healthy foods and can disturb glucose and insulin levels, leading to problems.

But knowing is not enough. Sugar addiction is real, and you need a real solution to overcome the powerful cravings from these foods. In this module, I'll lay out the 10 step solution to sugar addiction.

We'll discuss:

➡️ How to identify the biggest problem foods for your sugar addiction

➡️ The best strategy for breaking the sugar "hooks" without having a relapse

➡️ How stress, sleep, and other factors influence sugar and carb cravings

➡️ Several techniques and supplements to help you overcome sugar addiction

module three: Bonus Sugar addiction Q&A

module three: Bonus Sugar addiction Q&A

There are so many factors which contribute to sugar and carbohydrate cravings that it's almost impossible to cover it all. That's why I solicited questions from our clients and recorded a full Sugar Addiction Q&A bonus video.

In this module, I'll answer all the questions that we received from our clients about sugar addiction and how to break the cravings using this approach.

We'll discuss:

➡️ Will you ever be able to eat sugar, carbs, and sweet foods again?

➡️ The best strategy to stay clean after you've broken your sugar addiction

➡️ How we use glucose and the best sources of healthy sugar and carbohydrates

➡️ How to improve energy levels so that you can eliminate the sugar rush

special bonuses included with this program:

special bonuses included with this program:

Bonus #1: The Sugar Addiction Solution Manual

($97 value - FREE)

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Comprehensive 20-page manual which helps outline the Sugar Addiction Solution program

Includes an in-depth look at the three sugar addiction hooks and the 10 steps to break cravings

Companion guide to the video program for those who value a written summary

Bonus #2: Best Supplements For Sugar Cravings

($27 value - FREE)

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The top research-based supplements to help stop and break sugar and carb cravings

Detailed description of each supplement explaining the benefits and mechanism

Includes recommendations for usual dosage (not medical advice)

Bonus #3: 98 Hidden Names For Sugar PDF

($27 value - FREE)

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Food manufacturers use sneaky names to hide sugar in all sorts of foods where you least expect it

Comprehensive list of many of the other names for sugar in foods

Print the PDF and hang on your refrigerator to protect you from these hidden forms of sugar

Added Bonus #4: How To Break Sugar Addictions Interview with Michael Collins

($97 value - FREE)

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Learn Michael's secrets from years of addiction counselling and hundreds of interviews

The steps necessary to stop sugar and carb cravings and addictions and prevent a dangerous relapse

Includes the full transcript and audio file of the interview

Added Bonus #5: Advanced Strategies To Stop Sugar Addiction Interview with Dr. David Jockers

($97 value - FREE)

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Learn the best strategies for stopping sugar and carb cravings from Dr. Jockers years of experience helping his patients

The best dietary strategy and supplements to stop sugar cravings in their tracks

Includes the full transcript and audio file of the interview


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Not a physical product. This is a digital program with online access

Not a physical product. This is a digital program with online access


From Dr. Brian Mowll

From Dr. Brian Mowll

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Sugar and carbohydrate cravings can sabotage anyone who's trying to improve blood sugar, lose weight, and change their health. The Sugar Addiction Solution is designed to help break through these challenges.

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Dr. Brian Mowll is the founder and medical director of SweetLife® Diabetes Health Centers and serves clients worldwide as The Diabetes Coach™. He is a certified diabetes care and education specialist, master licensed diabetes educator, and is certified to practice functional medicine by the Institute for Functional Medicine.

For over 20 years, Dr. Mowll has been helping people around the world to optimize their health and metabolism, control blood sugar, and reverse type 2 diabetes using a natural, personalized lifestyle approach.

In addition, he is the host of the #1 rated Mastering Blood Sugar podcast and author of the #1 international best-selling book, The ProFAST Diet, Burn Fat And Reverse Type 2 Diabetes In Just Six Weeks.

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